
fuck the service industry i want to punch people at least once a week

People are so fucking vile man. I'm literally just doing my job and they are mean and nasty. Everyone has an attitude and talks down to you. I don't make the rules if you have a problem with something call the boss don't take it out on me. I make nothing compared to your bill and can't control pricing. Sometimes shit costs what shit costs and you just gotta deal with it. You wouldn't barate and yell at your doctor over the cost of stuff. Don't take your anger out on folks who work for you. I hate customers and 90 percent of the time I wish I could just say fuck you I don't need your money. But 10 percent of the time people are nice and its that 10 percent that keeps me in this business. Anyone in the service industry no matter what type God bless you…

People are so fucking vile man. I'm literally just doing my job and they are mean and nasty. Everyone has an attitude and talks down to you. I don't make the rules if you have a problem with something call the boss don't take it out on me. I make nothing compared to your bill and can't control pricing. Sometimes shit costs what shit costs and you just gotta deal with it. You wouldn't barate and yell at your doctor over the cost of stuff. Don't take your anger out on folks who work for you. I hate customers and 90 percent of the time I wish I could just say fuck you I don't need your money. But 10 percent of the time people are nice and its that 10 percent that keeps me in this business. Anyone in the service industry no matter what type God bless you I love you and wish whatever you make was tripled you deserve it.

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