
Fucking Annual Review has Ruined a Good Week.

I'm a contractor, owned by a company that sends us out in teams to other companies to sort out their shambles. I'm good at what I do. The guys I'm with at the moment love me. I'm dragging their team to compliance. So I have a review with my own company to check in on how I'm doing, all its done is put me in a fucking awful mood and ruined what was otherwise a weekend I'm very much looking forward to. It started off – wheres this form? We sent it to you but you didn't return it? I checked and oh yeah, I'd started filling it in, put it down and had a million things else going on. Namely my wife's pregnancy, my wifes sudden miscarriage, my mother's cancer possible resurgence, as well as the job for the customer that pays them. Not good enough, 5 minute bollocking…

I'm a contractor, owned by a company that sends us out in teams to other companies to sort out their shambles.

I'm good at what I do. The guys I'm with at the moment love me. I'm dragging their team to compliance. So I have a review with my own company to check in on how I'm doing, all its done is put me in a fucking awful mood and ruined what was otherwise a weekend I'm very much looking forward to.

It started off – wheres this form? We sent it to you but you didn't return it? I checked and oh yeah, I'd started filling it in, put it down and had a million things else going on. Namely my wife's pregnancy, my wifes sudden miscarriage, my mother's cancer possible resurgence, as well as the job for the customer that pays them. Not good enough, 5 minute bollocking as they pay me, I need to do this admin. I'm sorry, its a document asking what I've learned in the last year.

Then – I mentioned a glowing review I'd recieved from the customer. What document number is that? Where do you find it? Its in the company intranet, when I need it I'll have a browse and pull it up to send off. No, tell me the 2 questions in part 3 now. What are they. This is your career, tell me the questions you need to answer.

I can't off the top of my head.

Why not? Well when the form was last filled in, I was working with our company director who said “don't worry about it, I'll fill in our section so you don't need to stress over it” I have it in email. No I have to know because that's a box I need to add to my customer CV. Oh I have done that, when I recieved this form 8 months ago I must have done that then.

Then my claims. I have crippling immuno deficiencies. I also live 4,000 miles away. I need to fly to work and stay in a hotel 5 days a week. We get $30 a night budget to pay for an evening meal. I worked with a dietician to figure out what triggers my issues, I can't have whats in most takeaways. I cook for myself on a handheld grill, I stay within budget and buy some delicious fillet steaks and then some chicken and rice, that meets my dietary needs. Not good enough. It looks like I'm buying for 2 people. Well my fucking family are sat 4,000 miles away in a house I pay the mortgage for. The woman I married that I see 2 days a week, I sit here alone depressed 5 days a week so treat myself to 2 steaks, some flavoured water, some nice sourdough bread etc and cook it up. A 5 minute lecture about how the claims look bad from an accounting point. I get $30 to spend how I fucking want.

Now for the cross country flight, I missed the first one as the meeting ran on, and now I need to wait 3 hours for the next one. After a 12 hour work day I'll be home in 5 hours.

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