
Fudged some facts on my resume for a job because I didn’t think they’d check….Turns out they did!

I've never had any kind of employment or background check done, but this week or next the company will process it. My main fibs were fudging the start date of one job by a couple months to hide an employment gap, as well as saying I had a higher position at a company than I did (I performed all the duties for the higher position, but will still employed and paid for the lower level). Anyone ever go through this? How did it turn out?

I've never had any kind of employment or background check done, but this week or next the company will process it.

My main fibs were fudging the start date of one job by a couple months to hide an employment gap, as well as saying I had a higher position at a company than I did (I performed all the duties for the higher position, but will still employed and paid for the lower level).

Anyone ever go through this? How did it turn out?

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