
fun lil story about Amazon

Lol so this happened to me a little under a year ago but everytime I tell people about it they're blown away & ask me if it was even legal. Well I'm in Illinois so really you can get fired for anything but here's what happened : I worked at an Amazon fulfillment center for 2 months. I became one of their best scanners in under a week(literally everyone loved having me there) & they were super short staffed in my department so they made it clear they wanted me to stay. Eventually the facility demanded me do the mandatory overtime that I was already assured I wouldn't have to do when I was hired because I have insomnia & need to take my meds & sleep at certain times. Well, HR excused the time for a couple shifts suspiciously not giving me a solution until they said I needed…

Lol so this happened to me a little under a year ago but everytime I tell people about it they're blown away & ask me if it was even legal. Well I'm in Illinois so really you can get fired for anything but here's what happened :

I worked at an Amazon fulfillment center for 2 months. I became one of their best scanners in under a week(literally everyone loved having me there) & they were super short staffed in my department so they made it clear they wanted me to stay. Eventually the facility demanded me do the mandatory overtime that I was already assured I wouldn't have to do when I was hired because I have insomnia & need to take my meds & sleep at certain times.

Well, HR excused the time for a couple shifts suspiciously not giving me a solution until they said I needed to fill out the accommodation paper work for my disabilities ASAP or they'd stop excusing my “missed time”. Totally fine by me, I explain that since I'm on nights I need a few days to be able to see my doctor during day hours & get my stuff signed. I was working 7pm-6am, my therapy place was open 7am-4pm week days. They said that was fine, put me on medical leave to get my stuff done & it only took me 3 days to get it all filled out. & when I went back to turn it in….

I couldn't get in the building lmao. They terminated me while I was on medical leave & I couldn't get in to speak to my manager or anyone in HR about it. Even my coworkers ended up texting me like “where tf are you?”

So that's one time I lost my income wrongfully & had to go a few weeks broke & couple months behind on bills thanks to another large corporation

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