
Funny interaction I had at a Gas / Petrol Station ya’ll might like or hate that puts perspective into how easy some have it vs how hard others have it.

I pulled up to a Gas Station the other day and as I'm filling up an expensive looking Lambo pulls in which was driven by a guy that looked to be around 21. The doors open up towards the sky and out steps a leggy brunette that was a 10/10. He fills up gas as she went inside to pay (maybe with his card or hers, no idea) and I'm waiting behind her and watching the expression of the dude behind the counter, his jaw was dropping as he would peek at the car and then her. As she walked away, we joked about how they just drove out of Instagram. Jokingly I told him, just keep working hard here and in 1 or 2 years you'll be able to afford a car like that and get a girl like that. He laughed and said i'm not even sure that's…

I pulled up to a Gas Station the other day and as I'm filling up an expensive looking Lambo pulls in which was driven by a guy that looked to be around 21. The doors open up towards the sky and out steps a leggy brunette that was a 10/10. He fills up gas as she went inside to pay (maybe with his card or hers, no idea) and I'm waiting behind her and watching the expression of the dude behind the counter, his jaw was dropping as he would peek at the car and then her.

As she walked away, we joked about how they just drove out of Instagram. Jokingly I told him, just keep working hard here and in 1 or 2 years you'll be able to afford a car like that and get a girl like that. He laughed and said i'm not even sure that's possible in 1 or 200 hundred years.

Thinking about that puts into perspective how hard it easy for some people and how easy it is for others.

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