
Generational labels

Love this sub, been on for a while. Very inspiring and reassuring to know I am not alone when it feels like I might be. Capitalism is killing not just us but the earth but this is not what I want to talk about. I see a lot of posts, articles and comments talking about gen z, gen x, millennials, boomers and so on. I want to remind everyone that these generational labels do not exist and have created in board rooms to divide us. I am aware that the practice of generational study has been around for a long while but the way it has been used to keep us in this constant state of disarray and mutual blame between generations has to stop. Don't fall into this trap, we should all be looking out for each other in order to keep those that would exploit others from doing…

Love this sub, been on for a while. Very inspiring and reassuring to know I am not alone when it feels like I might be. Capitalism is killing not just us but the earth but this is not what I want to talk about.

I see a lot of posts, articles and comments talking about gen z, gen x, millennials, boomers and so on. I want to remind everyone that these generational labels do not exist and have created in board rooms to divide us. I am aware that the practice of generational study has been around for a long while but the way it has been used to keep us in this constant state of disarray and mutual blame between generations has to stop.

Don't fall into this trap, we should all be looking out for each other in order to keep those that would exploit others from doing so. We must overcome and the CEO's and wealthy assholes of the world are doing everything they can to distract us. They always have and they cannot be allowed to continue.

Please think about how you use these generational labels from now on and remember that we are all stronger together.

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