
Genuine question.

It seems like the financial powers that be try and put us all in political boxes. Like communist or capitalist. In my opinion both the right to freely earn capital and the right to be safe and fairly compensated as a laborer are equally important. The real problem is the financial system and the parasites that run it. A great example is the group of banks called the Federal Reserve that is a private institution created in 1913. They print money and loan it to our government at interest. The federal government then uses federal income taxes to pay back these private bankers. This does two things. The first is it increase the amount of physical dollars which proportionately increases inflation and decreases our spending power/devalues our wages. And two, it slowly takes any real wealth the people have and gives it to the bankers in the form of interest…

It seems like the financial powers that be try and put us all in political boxes. Like communist or capitalist. In my opinion both the right to freely earn capital and the right to be safe and fairly compensated as a laborer are equally important. The real problem is the financial system and the parasites that run it. A great example is the group of banks called the Federal Reserve that is a private institution created in 1913. They print money and loan it to our government at interest. The federal government then uses federal income taxes to pay back these private bankers. This does two things. The first is it increase the amount of physical dollars which proportionately increases inflation and decreases our spending power/devalues our wages. And two, it slowly takes any real wealth the people have and gives it to the bankers in the form of interest repayment by our government with tax money. Why don’t we the people target and remove the system that constantly erases any wage increase we do get with inflation? If not then what are we fighting for?

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