
Genuine Question About Education

Just because every time a post about education comes up, there are always 2 very opposing viewpoints. So are schools.. Capitalistic indoctrination centers- the fact that students are in school 8 hours a day 5 days a week is just preparing them for corporate slavery Or Whatever we don’t know about life by the time we are 30 is the fault of the education system because they didn’t have a class devoted to it in high school? I’m really not a troll here, just a former teacher who is really confused by the contradictory stances on education on this sub (and Reddit as a whole I guess). Either students are in school way too long just to condition them, or there are at least a dozen extra courses they should be taking but aren’t.

Just because every time a post about education comes up, there are always 2 very opposing viewpoints. So are schools..

  1. Capitalistic indoctrination centers- the fact that students are in school 8 hours a day 5 days a week is just preparing them for corporate slavery
  2. Whatever we don’t know about life by the time we are 30 is the fault of the education system because they didn’t have a class devoted to it in high school?

I’m really not a troll here, just a former teacher who is really confused by the contradictory stances on education on this sub (and Reddit as a whole I guess). Either students are in school way too long just to condition them, or there are at least a dozen extra courses they should be taking but aren’t.

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