
Getting a job while queer.

It seems that every time I get a job and put in a preferred name the company never uses it or the people never use it. Got a job at amazon recently and even though it says on my nametag my preferred name, the manager instantly outed my legal name to everyone and introduced me as that. So now everyone calls me by that. How am I supposed to go around to everyone and tell them my preferred name?! Even if it would work I don’t have the courage to do that, I’m always fearful of how people will treat me differently then. This kinda shit happen with anyone else?

It seems that every time I get a job and put in a preferred name the company never uses it or the people never use it. Got a job at amazon recently and even though it says on my nametag my preferred name, the manager instantly outed my legal name to everyone and introduced me as that. So now everyone calls me by that. How am I supposed to go around to everyone and tell them my preferred name?! Even if it would work I don’t have the courage to do that, I’m always fearful of how people will treat me differently then. This kinda shit happen with anyone else?

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