
Getting overwhelmed by needing to keep up with multiple email addresses for multiple purposes

I teach a class at a university, have an LLC with a partner, run a non-profit, and do some I.C. work for a software company. I have separate email addresses for each of these, plus my personal account, and may need to create another one for another purpose soon. I don't want all of them going to my phone, because a lot of what I receive is spam/junk. But I'm getting overwhelmed by having to check each of these accounts multiple times per day, and sometimes I forget to check one for a few days and miss something time sensitive. I've been slowly changing things in my life over the past few years so that I don't need to be a direct employee to anyone, but that has come with its own set of new challenges. I'm not super tech savvy. Does anyone else feel this way, and what advice…

I teach a class at a university, have an LLC with a partner, run a non-profit, and do some I.C. work for a software company. I have separate email addresses for each of these, plus my personal account, and may need to create another one for another purpose soon.

I don't want all of them going to my phone, because a lot of what I receive is spam/junk. But I'm getting overwhelmed by having to check each of these accounts multiple times per day, and sometimes I forget to check one for a few days and miss something time sensitive.

I've been slowly changing things in my life over the past few years so that I don't need to be a direct employee to anyone, but that has come with its own set of new challenges. I'm not super tech savvy. Does anyone else feel this way, and what advice do you have to simplify things?

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