
Ghosting my Job

Brief backround: I work for an auto retail store and I'm a full-time college student. The GM mistreats me by yelling at me in front of my coworkers and has skipped over me for advancement in the company. I believe I've posted here before regarding an incident that occurred with this job a while back but these last few weeks have been too much for me to stomach. Cut to about a month ago and I'm getting ready to leave for a trip, I had allotted my time off with work and everything was square- until my boss calls me after hours 2 days prior to said trip to tell me I'm working the following morning. “What?” I tell him “I have the schedule, I'm not working tomorrow!” We continued this disagreement for a few minutes but ultimately I hung up the phone. I was especially upset because this event…

Brief backround: I work for an auto retail store and I'm a full-time college student. The GM mistreats me by yelling at me in front of my coworkers and has skipped over me for advancement in the company. I believe I've posted here before regarding an incident that occurred with this job a while back but these last few weeks have been too much for me to stomach.

Cut to about a month ago and I'm getting ready to leave for a trip, I had allotted my time off with work and everything was square- until my boss calls me after hours 2 days prior to said trip to tell me I'm working the following morning. “What?” I tell him “I have the schedule, I'm not working tomorrow!” We continued this disagreement for a few minutes but ultimately I hung up the phone. I was especially upset because this event closely followed him rejected my requested pay raise for a second time even though I've been working there for nearly 10 months. I digress, I went on my trip and believed everything was all right.

When I come back from my trip I check the app that has the schedules on it to see when I work next and it's the next three days in a row from 8-6. I was outraged because I had just driven all night to get home and the last thing I wanted to do was go to my crap job, but I did show up.

While on the clock my GM tells me I can update my hours now that I'm home from my trip if I'd like and I tell him sure, I'll get on that. But here's where the indignity begins- He. Wouldn't. Work. With my availability. Absolutely shot it down and cited easily disproven “company policy” b.s. at me. All of this is in my text messages.

The schedule immediately following this disagreement my hours were slashed in half(normally 23 hrs/wk to 12 hr/wk).

And this week they were cut again. (12 hr/wk to 8 hr/wk)

All week I've been agonizing to go back, I feel gutted about how he's treating me. After all I can't prove he's doing it to fuck me but no one else has lost any hours, trust me, I asked. None of my coworkers, including my manager's, have any excuses as to why this would be happening… I just don't know what to do. I feel so disrespected.

I'm honestly terrified of even calling the store to quit because I just know I'll be screamed at and everyone will shit talk me for leaving so abrubtly- but I have to leave for my own sanity.

I got hired at a new, BETTER, job over this past week as well and I'm already enjoying it so much more than this previous one I'm still tied to. I'm expected to come back in to that old job tomorrow, so I'm asking y'all..

Would it be fair of me to completely ghost my old job? Or should I do my two weeks?

TL;DR old GM has repeatedly yelled at me in front of my coworkers, treated me unfairly, and has now begun cutting my hours for seemingly no legitimate reason, Im mortified to go back but I'm expected to. Should I ghost my job?

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