
Give jobs the quality of labor they pay for

At this point I don’t think employers will ever understand that we’re not profit slaves, we’re literally selling them labor and we’re going to sell that labor to the highest bidder. Also if we’re selling you a product (labor) then you’re going to get what you pay for. If an office payed for cheap chairs then they’re going to get lower quality chairs, if a business pays for cheap labor then they’re going to get lower quality labor. I will never give a shit about the companies profits unless it’s in my job title to do so. I will always prioritize my own best interest over the companies every single day, just as they’re going to prioritize they’re own interest every day. Give them the labor they pay for and not a cent more.

At this point I don’t think employers will ever understand that we’re not profit slaves, we’re literally selling them labor and we’re going to sell that labor to the highest bidder. Also if we’re selling you a product (labor) then you’re going to get what you pay for. If an office payed for cheap chairs then they’re going to get lower quality chairs, if a business pays for cheap labor then they’re going to get lower quality labor. I will never give a shit about the companies profits unless it’s in my job title to do so. I will always prioritize my own best interest over the companies every single day, just as they’re going to prioritize they’re own interest every day. Give them the labor they pay for and not a cent more.

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