
Gogo America!

I don't know how much this will help but I'm stuck in rural Canada and dont know how else I can try so here goes… I see lots of people talking about how they are unable to take any time off for the general strike on Monday and I'm seeing posts from many companies supporting their staff if they need to have an abortion. This gave me an idea. I know it wont work for all of you, but even a few would be a benefit. Talk to your employers, find out what side they are on. If they are pro choice, ask if they would assist staff in participating, maybe even close for a day or two? Talk to your landlords, see what side they are on. If they are pro choice, ask if they would cut a bit of your rent to ensure you can go on strike…

I don't know how much this will help but I'm stuck in rural Canada and dont know how else I can try so here goes…

I see lots of people talking about how they are unable to take any time off for the general strike on Monday and I'm seeing posts from many companies supporting their staff if they need to have an abortion. This gave me an idea. I know it wont work for all of you, but even a few would be a benefit.

Talk to your employers, find out what side they are on. If they are pro choice, ask if they would assist staff in participating, maybe even close for a day or two?

Talk to your landlords, see what side they are on. If they are pro choice, ask if they would cut a bit of your rent to ensure you can go on strike a few days without being homeless.

NOW is when you need to pull all your cards, bring in any tricks you may have. I know you can do this! YOU are the masses. Go out there and prove it!

I'll be here, watching and supporting every single one of you.

With love, your northern neighbor.

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