
Good riddance, Sam Walton

I guess I did a lot of it to myself. To an extent. I'm one of those people who just doesn't like standing around if I see work to be done. Nothing against those of you who do, more power to you. I'm just thankful now I work for a company who gave me an 8% raise out of nowhere, and gave me a contract saying it has no bearing on the two other raises I'm getting in about a month. But my last job? I worked for a big box store, backed by a large chain department store. Think the title gives away which one. I ended up doing about 90% of the work myself, team lead always got pulled for another department and the only other person worth a damn in the department only worked nights. But, to an extent I enjoyed it. I didn't like when we…

I guess I did a lot of it to myself. To an extent. I'm one of those people who just doesn't like standing around if I see work to be done. Nothing against those of you who do, more power to you. I'm just thankful now I work for a company who gave me an 8% raise out of nowhere, and gave me a contract saying it has no bearing on the two other raises I'm getting in about a month.

But my last job? I worked for a big box store, backed by a large chain department store. Think the title gives away which one. I ended up doing about 90% of the work myself, team lead always got pulled for another department and the only other person worth a damn in the department only worked nights. But, to an extent I enjoyed it. I didn't like when we got a new store manager. Suddenly I was dealing with a micro managing man baby who talked to us like we were children because HE didn't understand the job.

The final straw for me was when I came back from vacation. I was on the other side of the country for almost two weeks, quite literally nothing I could have done. The day I come back, nothing but rotting food sitting on the floor and a few trucks worth of product in the cooler that still had to be worked. I got blamed for it. I got blamed for it again after another coworker was told to pull the bad stuff so I could deal with the getting the stock sorted. It got to the point that man baby threw rotten food at me. That was about the point where I was honestly starting to concerned how much longer I could keep myself under control. Let the department manager know I was leaving early to look for a new job, he let me know a few places that were hiring. Put in about another month. Declined offers of significant raises several times, guess they thought I was just buying time to see what I could get but really I was just waiting for a plant shut down to end.

Fast forward several months, I stop in to get some things. They had to hire three people to replace me, and are still pulling people from other departments. One guy is now absolutely screwed on Sundays and by himself, the busiest day of the week. There's almost never any produce out, and what is out is bad. Team lead's been on personal leave for a couple months, and came back in a few days before that to discuss getting a good reference. He's been with the company for 20+ years and only a few years from retirement. I feel bad for them, but at the same time… Plenty of places hiring. I'd be happy to put in a good word at my current job!

The icing on the cake is after I got done shopping there I went to get some new clothes. Man baby is there. Not to body shame, but he's several times my size. And I'm decently fat myself. I was trying on a pair of 38×32 slim cut jeans and right about the time I decide they're just a little too tight, I hear him struggling for breath and yelling at the store associate to grab him a pair of 38×32 slim fit jeans. I laughed a little too loud.

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