
Good “throwaway” job?

I'm an artist living hand to mouth and slowly running out of funds… What's an easy to get job that i can work for a few weeks and then heck off? I don't care if it's listed as 'temp' or not. I even considered getting a ft job at an Amazon warehouse and then quitting without notice after I've re-upped on funds. Any other suggestions? It obviously has to be at least the paltry wage of 15/hr.

I'm an artist living hand to mouth and slowly running out of funds… What's an easy to get job that i can work for a few weeks and then heck off? I don't care if it's listed as 'temp' or not. I even considered getting a ft job at an Amazon warehouse and then quitting without notice after I've re-upped on funds. Any other suggestions? It obviously has to be at least the paltry wage of 15/hr.

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