
Goodbye to unfair employer

I was employed by the same company for 27 years. A few years ago I got an email from my boss during my vacation, “call me as soon as you can”, I called him up and he told me that his new boss had decided to transfer me from my 10 minute commute location to one 45 minutes from my home. The reason was, “he felt with your experience, your current location wasn't enough of a challenge”. I asked if I could refuse the transfer and he said, “you could quit.” As I had a family to support, that wasn't an option so I returned to work but insisted to my boss that if I was spending more on gas and wear and tear on my vehicle to come to work that I should at least be compensated for that. He said it sounded reasonable and he would take it…

I was employed by the same company for 27 years. A few years ago I got an email from my boss during my vacation, “call me as soon as you can”, I called him up and he told me that his new boss had decided to transfer me from my 10 minute commute location to one 45 minutes from my home. The reason was, “he felt with your experience, your current location wasn't enough of a challenge”. I asked if I could refuse the transfer and he said, “you could quit.”

As I had a family to support, that wasn't an option so I returned to work but insisted to my boss that if I was spending more on gas and wear and tear on my vehicle to come to work that I should at least be compensated for that. He said it sounded reasonable and he would take it up with his boss and he would see what he could do. Months passed without any word so I asked him about it and he said, “yeah, that's not going to happen.”

There was some other bullshit as well, and I really wasn't qualified to apply for any other work than I had been doing my entire adult life, and I had little confidence that I would be treated differently at another company (I found over time, the bosses would come and go, some were good, others terrible, and they go from company to company in my line of work). So I decided to figure out how to make my own money.

I started a YouTube channel talking about my favorite hobby, found some work on the side developing content for that hobby, and 2 years later I was making enough to quit. For the last year and a half I've been working from home and I now make more self employed than I did working for them. My only regret was I was way too nice, I gave them 4 weeks notice and trained my own replacement (at the time, I wasn't sure things would work out and I wanted the option to come back if necessary)

I look at current gas prices and I'm so glad I left when I did.

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