
got cut 2 hours and 45 minutes into my shift by my manger but I still had a great day.

So this manager is actually the same one I talked about in my last work related post. What happened was I started my shift at 1:15pm (I'm a full time dishwasher at a restaurant and have been working there for nearly a year) I was supposed to be there till 9:30pm because we had alot of reservations. I had been having some pain in my left kneecap for a few days (this is relevant) and was hobbling around a lil bit. It wasn't unbearable, but quite annoying. But I could still do my job without worrying I would collapse. Two hours into my shift, I sit down for a minute to take a bite out of my burger and rest my knee. Because I knew I'd be there for 5 more hours. I only planned to be there for 2-3 minutes, then get back to the dishes. My manager walks…

So this manager is actually the same one I talked about in my last work related post.

What happened was I started my shift at 1:15pm (I'm a full time dishwasher at a restaurant and have been working there for nearly a year) I was supposed to be there till 9:30pm because we had alot of reservations.

I had been having some pain in my left kneecap for a few days (this is relevant) and was hobbling around a lil bit. It wasn't unbearable, but quite annoying. But I could still do my job without worrying I would collapse.

Two hours into my shift, I sit down for a minute to take a bite out of my burger and rest my knee. Because I knew I'd be there for 5 more hours. I only planned to be there for 2-3 minutes, then get back to the dishes.

My manager walks over, sees that I'm sitting down and says “what's up? What are you doing?”

I tell her that my knee was hurting a bit and I just wanted to sit fer a minute while the dishes were running.

(Now, I completely understand that I should have told her that I needed a minute, 100%. But if you read my last post, you'll understand why I didn't.)

So my manager asks me how long my shift was, I said “till 9:30pm” and she then, without asking me, tells me that I should go home and cuts me fer 4pm. She then leaves before I can get a word in about it.

Other people heard about it and we're in complete disagreement with her decision (including the manager that was actually doing shifts)

TLDR; manger cut me 2 hours 45 mins into my shift cause I took 3 mins without telling her, got salty and cut me on the spot.

In the end I had a good time with the rest of my day skateboarding till 7pm. Felt like a day off really. 🙂

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