
Got fired a week later

I'm just going on a rant I go to college for cybersecurity and I got a job at an IT place my manager says do you know how to use something called MYSQL and I said yes. Then he said do you have knowledge on crystal reports and I said: “I've heard of the program but I'm not completely familiar with it but I can learn fast with the right training and where everything goes to which place then yeah I can do the job”. So he hires me I get paid 18 an hour the first week he said do this report and I had to do training with him for one report only one! There are multiple report templates within the system we only went through one! So he asks me to redo these computers in a warehouse since it was a warehouse distribution company I cleaned everything…

I'm just going on a rant I go to college for cybersecurity and I got a job at an IT place my manager says do you know how to use something called MYSQL and I said yes. Then he said do you have knowledge on crystal reports and I said: “I've heard of the program but I'm not completely familiar with it but I can learn fast with the right training and where everything goes to which place then yeah I can do the job”. So he hires me I get paid 18 an hour the first week he said do this report and I had to do training with him for one report only one! There are multiple report templates within the system we only went through one! So he asks me to redo these computers in a warehouse since it was a warehouse distribution company I cleaned everything up I hooked everything up correctly and I ask him “is this good” and he follows up with a rhetorical question “I don't know is it?” and I said “it looks good to me” so he goes checks everything out doesn't say anything like a good job or it looks good. We just go back into the golf cart and I don't say anything to him. So after we have to go to another warehouse there are Korean auditors there and they need help with the internet so me and my manager help them when we get finished my manager goes to an executive whos outside and said “these Asian people think they know everything but they don't” I didn't say anything because I was shocked because this is supposed to be a corporate environment and racism shouldn't be allowed. But I kept my mouth shut because I needed the job and then we go back towards the warehouse he offered me chewing tobacco I said no immediately. This is what happened with my experience and then the day I got let go this was around like 1:20 we go to the hiring manager's office and they said “did you do anything fun for valentines day?” So my manager says what he got his wife and kids and then the hiring manager says he got his wife shoes i say what I got. Then he says “I'm sorry but you aren't doing your job fast enough it took you 3 hours to finish a report were going to let you go and good luck to finding whatever else you need to do” then we left and my manager said “You can grab all your things I can do the rest” and then he said “you can take an additional class to freshen up your networking terms” All I did was say thank you and God Bless for giving me the experience and chance to prove myself and now I'm jobless again

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