
Got fired for being sick

I just want your guys opinion on this. constructive criticism is welcome I guess. My boyfriend just got fired from his job because he’s been working at his job for 2 months and missed 3 days total due to a stomach issue he has. Just yesterday he just parked in the parking lot at his workplace and threw up all over the car and had to return home and texted his boss (he does tell her when he won’t be able to go in that day) that he won’t be able to go in to work because he threw up. this has happened three times and he’s had an appointment with a doctor waiting for him. well anyway agency called him and told him the company didn’t want him anymore because he missed too many days for a new person when he’s sick and has repeatedly told his boss he…

I just want your guys opinion on this. constructive criticism is welcome I guess. My boyfriend just got fired from his job because he’s been working at his job for 2 months and missed 3 days total due to a stomach issue he has. Just yesterday he just parked in the parking lot at his workplace and threw up all over the car and had to return home and texted his boss (he does tell her when he won’t be able to go in that day) that he won’t be able to go in to work because he threw up. this has happened three times and he’s had an appointment with a doctor waiting for him. well anyway agency called him and told him the company didn’t want him anymore because he missed too many days for a new person when he’s sick and has repeatedly told his boss he has an issue with his stomach and the job requires you to tell your boss when you are feeling anything close to Covid like nausea or if your feeling bad and can’t return to work if you suspect Covid. they are supposed to not let you go to work due to Covid protocol that they didn’t follow and that job is literally a pharmaceutical company how ridiculous is that. The employees there gossip a lot and word on the street is that the boss told some guy “I fired him because I wasn’t happy with him” my dad works there too and is very close with someone that works in HR and she will do something about how they didn’t follow Covid protocol. I forgot to mention you get 4 days of absence before you get A WARNING he didn’t get a damn warning and didn’t surpass the amount of sick days he has. If this was a performance issue she still didn’t let him know what he’s doing wrong or anything it makes me so mad because his coworkers are all gossipers and very unprofessional and nothing happens to them and his boss had no reason to complain she could have talked to him and asked him why he’s been absent (told her why each time she never responds)but no she’s just gonna complain instead he did really well and everyone else says so. I fucking hate that bitch . Let me know what you guys think of this please. I just wanted to rant about this.

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