
Got fired the second day I was there

I had an internship at this software company as an Inside Sales Representative. First two weeks where really rough, had to work 11 hours a day, read through hundreds of whitepapers to get to know the product ect. After those two weeks I got my papers to work there, it stated I had to work 40h a week, I talked to my supervisor about it on my first day and we got into a minor argument right before the weekend. In the end he told me I would need to work abot 50-54h a week for 1,7k after taxes with no OT (they told me it would rise since I get extra money for commissions, but only after 3-6 months at the company). Monday comes around and I was scheduled in a meeting with management and HR, I didnt thought about getting fired for any second, since they told me…

I had an internship at this software company as an Inside Sales Representative. First two weeks where really rough, had to work 11 hours a day, read through hundreds of whitepapers to get to know the product ect.

After those two weeks I got my papers to work there, it stated I had to work 40h a week, I talked to my supervisor about it on my first day and we got into a minor argument right before the weekend. In the end he told me I would need to work abot 50-54h a week for 1,7k after taxes with no OT (they told me it would rise since I get extra money for commissions, but only after 3-6 months at the company).

Monday comes around and I was scheduled in a meeting with management and HR, I didnt thought about getting fired for any second, since they told me they get into arguments with colleques fairly often and after some compromisses its all fine again. Well the meeting was my firing squad waiting for me and I was surprised to say the least.

Now I am packing my HO equipment and will be returning it today, nice…

PS: there is a quote in Germany that gets fairly often used by higher ups which is “Es ist ein geben und nehmen” translates into, its a give and take between both employee and employer. God I hate this quote so much, like what are you giving me? Grueling work hours with shit pay and garbage benefits.

To be honest Im glad, Im filing for unemployment now and take the rest of the month of. Fuck the corporate world. I just wanna work my 40h and the enjoy my twenties with my girl. I hate that “if you wanna succeed you gotta have no life and put everything to the side to work till you are 68y old” great life that is.

Sry for the ranting in the end, I just cant stand shit like this.

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