
Got “hired” but still no schedule over a week later.

“I need you.” Said the owner of a small business. “Are you free to work?” I said yes considering this place is literally right down the road from my house and I could use the extra cash. It’s been over a week and I contacted the owner 3 times since the day they said I was ”hired” asking when I’d be on the schedule. I kept getting told, “I’ll get back to you later on.” I contacted them today and told them since I’m still not on the schedule they must not need me. Being a small business if they really needed help wouldn’t have they had me come in already?

“I need you.” Said the owner of a small business. “Are you free to work?” I said yes considering this place is literally right down the road from my house and I could use the extra cash. It’s been over a week and I contacted the owner 3 times since the day they said I was ”hired” asking when I’d be on the schedule. I kept getting told, “I’ll get back to you later on.” I contacted them today and told them since I’m still not on the schedule they must not need me. Being a small business if they really needed help wouldn’t have they had me come in already?

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