
got injured in work today, need opinion

not sure if im asking in right place ( delete and send me in the right direction if not) I have actually pretty good summer job in wholesale store but a thing happened today and i need outside opinions. I was stocking eur-pallet with beverages and guy delivering fresh pallets of stuff was rushing me (because he couldn't be bothered to go through different aisle), after being dixk about me, amd other temp “being in his way” whole shift so i was nervous, tried quickly movig my pallet out of the way which caused 6 pack of 2liter bottles to drop. Tried to catch it/break the fall which fucked up my wrist. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't act like such a dick to, lets say 40yo temp, but student temps, fuck them right? /s … Sure, it's last hour of the night shift, people get tired, get nervous easier ……

not sure if im asking in right place ( delete and send me in the right direction if not)
I have actually pretty good summer job in wholesale store but a thing happened today and i need outside opinions. I was stocking eur-pallet with beverages and guy delivering fresh pallets of stuff was rushing me (because he couldn't be bothered to go through different aisle), after being dixk about me, amd other temp “being in his way” whole shift so i was nervous, tried quickly movig my pallet out of the way which caused 6 pack of 2liter bottles to drop. Tried to catch it/break the fall which fucked up my wrist. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't act like such a dick to, lets say 40yo temp, but student temps, fuck them right? /s … Sure, it's last hour of the night shift, people get tired, get nervous easier … it's 5 am for me too tho, even though I don't have as much responsibility.
What I'm asking is, how much of my fault it was ? (i could have let the bottles fall and break, no one really cares, even though i officially should compensate for commodities i break, or shouldn't have rushed as much)
Should i complain? (at the agency through which i working there) and if so, how much of a pain in the ass should i be in my complaint? (or am just overthinking it because I'm tired.from night shift ?)

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