
Got insulted by some workaholic due to what generation I’m in

Context: I'm nineteen; I work at a truck stop in a smaller town and work full-time. I have my license, am saving money, and have aspirations for growth in life. Anyway, I was working at aforementioned truck stop last night and was talking to an older man about my generation and what it's like for us. After I told him I'm nineteen and trying to work to save money, he went on a tangent about how kids my age don't want to drive, want to be “chauffeured” 24/7, and that we're too lazy to work. He then went on to ask me if this was the only job I had (which it is), and I told him I put in forty hours per week and am saving money. After hearing me say that, he started bragging about how he used to have three farm jobs when he was only seven…

Context: I'm nineteen; I work at a truck stop in a smaller town and work full-time. I have my license, am saving money, and have aspirations for growth in life.

Anyway, I was working at aforementioned truck stop last night and was talking to an older man about my generation and what it's like for us. After I told him I'm nineteen and trying to work to save money, he went on a tangent about how kids my age don't want to drive, want to be “chauffeured” 24/7, and that we're too lazy to work. He then went on to ask me if this was the only job I had (which it is), and I told him I put in forty hours per week and am saving money. After hearing me say that, he started bragging about how he used to have three farm jobs when he was only seven y/o, and that he did all this and all that when he was a kid.

So like… how am I supposed to be amazed by him working himself to death? Do people like him expect people my age to admire them for working that hard and killing themselves with all of that work? Nah dog, that shit ain't anything to brag about. Forty hours a week is enough for me, and anyone who makes fun of someone for working and trying to make a living is such a piece of shit. Just ugh.

Y'all keep your heads up, keep living, and keep pressing for better work for everyone. We're stronger than what other generations think we are.

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