
Got into an argument with my Mum about wages today

She's a boomer. Don't get me wrong, she HAS had a difficult life and has worked incredibly hard to get to where she is now. (I won't get into the arguments about her 2 properties and complete non understanding of why young people can't buy these days). She's in aged care and has worked in this job for nearly 20 years (she's 60 btw). Before that it was multiple cleaning and caretaking jobs while she studied. Aged care cannot retain workers. She's supposed to be working less as she gets older, but her workplace can't retain workers. We had a… Heated… Discussion about it this morning. I'll keep it relatively short but I asked why they can't retain. “Because they're all lazy or they get better money working on the disability sector”. Okay, then if your bosses can't retain workers because of the money, then they need to pay more.…

She's a boomer. Don't get me wrong, she HAS had a difficult life and has worked incredibly hard to get to where she is now. (I won't get into the arguments about her 2 properties and complete non understanding of why young people can't buy these days).

She's in aged care and has worked in this job for nearly 20 years (she's 60 btw). Before that it was multiple cleaning and caretaking jobs while she studied.

Aged care cannot retain workers. She's supposed to be working less as she gets older, but her workplace can't retain workers.

We had a… Heated… Discussion about it this morning. I'll keep it relatively short but I asked why they can't retain. “Because they're all lazy or they get better money working on the disability sector”.

Okay, then if your bosses can't retain workers because of the money, then they need to pay more. “But this is the pay scale for our job. Across the board “.

And that pay scale isn't retaining workers? “But that's the scale!”

Then it should change. “But that's not how it works”

Why not? If people aren't willing to work that job at that pay, then pay what people will work. Isn't it kinda simple?

Her arguments feel like indoctrinated bootlicking.

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