
Got kicked out of work this past Wednesday

Funny part about this is, even if I have been doing some things that would get me fired this time I got kicked out for doing nothing wrong. Here’s what happened, corporate was there, I was taking out a fryer basket that held nuggets and sometimes the nuggets get stuck on the basket, so I started slamming the basket against the fryer to loosen the extra nuggets out, I always see my coworkers using this same strategy too, but my manager went up to me and told me “you know what? Just clock out” (I was only an hour into the shift) and I started laughing and I said “what? Why? Do I come in tomorrow?” And my manager said “no, don’t come in tomorrow” and I said while smiling saying “am I fired then??” And she pulled me to the back with one of the corporate ladies and my…

Funny part about this is, even if I have been doing some things that would get me fired this time I got kicked out for doing nothing wrong. Here’s what happened, corporate was there, I was taking out a fryer basket that held nuggets and sometimes the nuggets get stuck on the basket, so I started slamming the basket against the fryer to loosen the extra nuggets out, I always see my coworkers using this same strategy too, but my manager went up to me and told me “you know what? Just clock out” (I was only an hour into the shift) and I started laughing and I said “what? Why? Do I come in tomorrow?” And my manager said “no, don’t come in tomorrow” and I said while smiling saying “am I fired then??” And she pulled me to the back with one of the corporate ladies and my manager starts to tell me “I always see you slamming my supplies that’s how my supplies break! Your coworkers keep giving me complaints that you always look angry when you’re working” (bullshit I always just have some of the staff on my ass just cause I’m not always smiling) and I start laughing at her and she says “I don’t know why you’re laughing it’s not funny” and I start laughing even harder and the corporate lady asks me “I don’t understand, is it because you feel overwhelmed or something?” I tell her with a grin “it’s just it’s my second week working here and I’m still getting used to the pace because my old job was much harder on us” and the lady just says “ok” while nodding while my manager is behind her looking at me shaking her head (she knows damn well I was saving both our asses) and so I’m sent to clock out and I just have this huge smile on my face. My phone somehow got fucked up in my pocket too.

I’m supposed to talk to her on Monday lmfao, idk if imma come in though cause I’m genuinely getting sick and I feel she’ll just ultimately use that as an excuse to cut me loose.

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