
Got lied to about the job I interviewed for, now I’m stuck and miserable

LONG VENT: I have chronic back, foot and neck pain. I also have muscle deterioration in my knee and this all makes it incredibly painful for me to be standing for too long periods of time. I accepted an interview at a clinic in town because my father knows the owners and mentioned they said they were hiring for a new scheduler (IMPORTANT). I went to them and filled out an application, went through the whole process and was chosen over another person and got the job. I also did a job shadow where I was shown multiple jobs in the clinic, not all of which are mine, so no alarm bells. I get there for my first day and learn I am the sole floor person. This means I'm on my feet running around for 10 hours a day (they said clinic was not open for that long per…


I have chronic back, foot and neck pain. I also have muscle deterioration in my knee and this all makes it incredibly painful for me to be standing for too long periods of time. I accepted an interview at a clinic in town because my father knows the owners and mentioned they said they were hiring for a new scheduler (IMPORTANT). I went to them and filled out an application, went through the whole process and was chosen over another person and got the job. I also did a job shadow where I was shown multiple jobs in the clinic, not all of which are mine, so no alarm bells.

I get there for my first day and learn I am the sole floor person. This means I'm on my feet running around for 10 hours a day (they said clinic was not open for that long per day, also paperwork usuailly eats up my entire lunch hour and I have about 20 minutes to stuff my face, and the clinic closes at 6 which is when im supposed to go home but paperwork, cleaning and everything else always keeps me there until 7pm.), cleaning every room, keeping up on patient files, typing up these ridiculous reports that are overboard, billing, going over insurance and making sure I don't bill lthe wrong thing or forget to apply a discount, helping patients, taking them into rooms to review exams, xrays, care plans, and so much more I am too tired to try and list.

The cherry on top? I get ONE 10 minute break per day, and my lunch is an hour but I never get a full hour, ever. According to my states labor laws I should have 3 breaks and a lunch. I have no idea why they are able to get away with that.

I am completely miserable. I have never wanted to go into Healthcare but I was told explicitly that this was a desk job for scheduling, some billing and taking patients to the tables/rooms now and again. I was not told no one would be helping me whatsoever and throw me to the wolves on day 3 with no help.

I also have to get certified for this job, and I do not want to be in the medical field in any way shape or form. They didn't mention that which is multiple hours long classes on MY free time and unpaid.

I don't have any money or savings becuase I was drained due to hospital bills and this job seemed great for the per hour pay to duties ratio (they lied about pay, it was $2 less than they said.). My dad helped me pay my rent two times but he is really excited I have this job and if I quit to pursue my actual dream job I know he would not help me again and would instead let me lose my apartment to “teach me a lesson”, so it isn't really an option and I hate relying on my dad as he is extremely abusive for one, but I don't like feeling lazy or like I can't sustain myself.

I am in so much fucking pain and I cannot imagine how much worse this will get when I start “getting more responsibility next week” (now this week) as my trainer put it when I left on Thursday to go home. I get home and cry due to tbe pain my entire body is in and I even told them about this and recieved zero help or suggestions despite clearly asking for it.

Due to the schedule I now cannot find time to meet with my therapist as she's only available 1 day a week since she splits her time between two far apart town's. This isn't helping.

I don't know what to do. I just hate that this has to be our lives. We weren't built for this.

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