
Got my first 9-5 and I’m miserable after 1 week. How do I escape and pursue my passion for music?

I went to school at a small engineering school and found the experience to be really painful and boring (though not really ”soul-killing”). I would regularly skip class to play music. And basically after I graduated early in 3.5 years my ass was OUT of there. I’ve played guitar since I was a kid and guitar has remained a huge part of my life throughout everything. I practice hours a day religiously (even after long school/work hours). I currently play lead guitar in an indie/dream pop group with some of my best friends. We just finished our first album and I can’t wait for it to be released. I love the process of writing and recording songs so fucking much. Long story short I ended up getting a 9-5 back home thinking it would be my ticket to living independently so I can support myself and grind super hard on…

I went to school at a small engineering school and found the experience to be really painful and boring (though not really ”soul-killing”). I would regularly skip class to play music. And basically after I graduated early in 3.5 years my ass was OUT of there.

I’ve played guitar since I was a kid and guitar has remained a huge part of my life throughout everything. I practice hours a day religiously (even after long school/work hours). I currently play lead guitar in an indie/dream pop group with some of my best friends. We just finished our first album and I can’t wait for it to be released. I love the process of writing and recording songs so fucking much.

Long story short I ended up getting a 9-5 back home thinking it would be my ticket to living independently so I can support myself and grind super hard on music. The problem is the hours and the job fucking suck ass. I wake up at 6 to eat, shit, get dressed, and do a few other things and then it’s off to work.

I only do a few hours of actual work each day. The rest is spent doodling on scrap paper at my desk, dicking around on Reddit, or just spacing out. It sucks because my boss (who’s a grumpy trump supporting boomer) always walks around the office so I have to LOOK like I’m working. And then when I get home I’m tired and only have time to practice the guitar like normal and go to bed. No time for songwriting or anything else.

I’m 21 years old and I don’t know how anyone does this for years without chewing on the end of a shotgun.

My parents want me to have a prestigious career but I just want my time back to pursue what I love and enjoy my life.

Any advice? Could I start a business teaching guitar or something? Any ideas. Please I can’t do this for years.

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