
Got sent home by my employer who pays me $2.13/hr bc of their ridiculous dress code, have paid more than my first paycheck will be trying to appease them but nothing is enough.

There’s so many reasons this shit pisses me the fuck off. This is gonna be long so I’m leaving a TLDR. So, I started working at a somewhat casual upscale restaurant. In all of their meeting and throughout the fucking ridiculously thick employee manual they stress how much they value their employees and that WE are actually their number 1 priority. Which is why we make $2.13/hr even when we’re not on the floor serving for at least 2 of the 5 hours we work, lmfao. They also are constantly rotating between managers so I interviewed and was hired by the new manager, even though the old one is still with us. Tomorrow is actually her last day. But anyways. I was told at my interview that the attire was black denim and a white collared shirt (he specifically said didn’t even have to be button-up) and maybe he misspoke…

There’s so many reasons this shit pisses me the fuck off. This is gonna be long so I’m leaving a TLDR.

So, I started working at a somewhat casual upscale restaurant. In all of their meeting and throughout the fucking ridiculously thick employee manual they stress how much they value their employees and that WE are actually their number 1 priority. Which is why we make $2.13/hr even when we’re not on the floor serving for at least 2 of the 5 hours we work, lmfao. They also are constantly rotating between managers so I interviewed and was hired by the new manager, even though the old one is still with us. Tomorrow is actually her last day.

But anyways. I was told at my interview that the attire was black denim and a white collared shirt (he specifically said didn’t even have to be button-up) and maybe he misspoke or I misunderstood, but when I get there I find out it’s actually dark blue denim and Oxford button downs with the sleeves half-rolled. Okay, fantastic, so I just went and blew fucking $100 at H&M for this uniform and $50 for non-slip shoes. But in the week of my training, they didn’t seem too strict about it so I was like ok whatever, I’ll buy dark blue jeans after my first paycheck.

But then they tell me my nice blousy button-down collared white shirts (which were the only collared shirts I could find) are violating the dress code. Okay. So I order a new one on Amazon and overnight it so I can have it the next day.

I come in and at some point roll up my sleeves because I’m handling food, and at the end of the night I’m told I can’t do that. At this point I’m starting to get really fucking annoyed. I unroll them and they’re a bit wrinkled. They tell me the shirt needs to be clean and freshly ironed every. fucking. day. I don’t even have in-unit laundry. Frankly I spend enough time getting ready and commuting to work as it is, so I’m like whatever tomorrow I’m gonna throw a white vest on top of it like I did before and wear my black pants (and no one said anything then.) so I’ve literally worn this EXACT outfit during training before and got no warning.

So then we come to today. There’s $6 in my bank account. The train costs $2.50 each way. Fuck. I haven’t eaten, and I can’t even afford to. Okay, it’s fine, I’m just gonna ring up some food at the beginning of my shift and pay for it and my ticket home with the tips I make.

I come in after my long bike and train ride, and am greeted by the owner who said nothing about my uniform. Then I’m introduced to a potential new-hire by the new manager, who also had no problem with my uniform. Then, after ringing up my food and starting to work, the manager that’s on her way out sees me.

What are you wearing? You can’t serve in that.” Despite me having worn it literally days before.

“Not even with my long apron over it?” “Nope.” “So you’re sending me home..?” “Yup.” We go back and forth a little bit, with me asking to stay and ending the conversation with me apologizing and her acting like she’s doing me a favor by not writing me up.

When I tell you I booked it the FUCK out of there. I was livid but didn’t wanna say something I’d regret. Couldn’t even pay for the food I ordered, I told them to cancel it so I could clock out and get the fuck out. It’s half way cooked and the kitchen staff is like man wtf…. then I had to tell all of my coworkers, oh yeah I’m cut for dress code, even though I was dressed the most professionally out of anyone here. No words.

Looked at the dollar in my bank account and cried on the train ride back home.

*TLDR; My employer told me the wrong dress code, and aren’t satisfied even after I tried to correct it AFTER already spending a fortune on their miscommunication, despite being very well dressed and presentable. First, the denim is supposed to be dark blue, not black like the other manager told me. Then, my shirt is the wrong material despite meeting all of the written qualifiers. I buy a new one, they complain the sleeves are rolled up too high. I unroll them, tomorrow I need to come in with it ironed. Take off the inoffensive white sweater vest even though you’re cold. Finally, you CAN’T serve in your black pants you’ve worked in before, even though no one can tell with the long apron on in the dim light, and I’m doing you a favor by sending you home instead of writing you up. All in a matter of 8 days.
And all of this is on $2.13/hr, at a company that preaches about the importance of prioritizing employees over customers, investors, etc, and where I haven’t even received my first paycheck. Once I do I don’t even think it’ll cover the amount of spent. I’m so so so beyond fucking BROKE and heartbroken. *

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