
Got sexually harassed at work, being punished for making us short staffed.

I had a guy at work twice my age sexually harassed me for about a month. I’m autistic and didn’t know what to do this had never happened to me(not with coworkers at least but customers) for context we had to ban two guys a few months back for sexually harassing me as well. I wasn’t even the one who complained about them, other coworkers did. Cause the guys were talking about potentially raping me. I was unaware of that extreme stuff at the time. But anyways this guy was a coworker. I never said anything cause I barely worked with him and I didn’t think people would believe me cause I told one coworker one time that I thought maybe he liked me cause he acted weird to me and the coworker said “what? No he’s happily married and in his 50s! That’s probably just his personality” so I…

I had a guy at work twice my age sexually harassed me for about a month. I’m autistic and didn’t know what to do this had never happened to me(not with coworkers at least but customers) for context we had to ban two guys a few months back for sexually harassing me as well. I wasn’t even the one who complained about them, other coworkers did. Cause the guys were talking about potentially raping me. I was unaware of that extreme stuff at the time. But anyways this guy was a coworker. I never said anything cause I barely worked with him and I didn’t think people would believe me cause I told one coworker one time that I thought maybe he liked me cause he acted weird to me and the coworker said “what? No he’s happily married and in his 50s! That’s probably just his personality” so I as like oh okay probably… then I get a message asking for nudes in exchange for money. I tell him no he is married(this really sucks for me too cause he KNEW I was in need bad. I was $200 short on rent cause this place pays $11/hr and I had been trying to find a new job for months and I’m a single mom) but it gets worse and one day I decide to record it. I got two GOOD videos of him just doing stuff and I’m clearly uncomfortable and plan to show my boss at a meeting that weekend. But the day after I took the videos the guy who was harassing me was just being so rude and so I told him I didn’t wanna talk to him the rest of the night. That’s all I did. And he told the manager I was being a “stuck up” bitch and this was his fun job(he’s part time and works a better full time job) and that he would just leave. I had a panic attack. And told the manager. Showed him the evidence and he called my boss. The guy is sent home but I’m told multiple things. 1.) I should dress differently (it’s 110F where I live and I have gotten the OK from him already to wear jeans, a tank top, and a mens oversized button up over top.. not exactly sexy imo) 2.) stop having any non work related conversations with coworkers and customers. 3.) I need to tell them the second it happens. But I was scared to. And apparently for good reason cause they did not fire him. I show up the next day and he is there so I called in. Finally after that they fire him but I didn’t get my raise I was supposed to get at the meeting, have a new uniform that’s just a very latter mens T-shirt, I’m not allowed to have a personality, AND was told they can’t trust me to make more shifts so I’m not allowed more hours. Because I missed one day. Ever. I’m confused.

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