
Got written up for fabricated actions of my girlfriend

I was working as a line cook at a regional chain that renovated old buildings into multi restaurant/bar/theater/hotels and the one I was at was a former elementary school. I shared a car with my girlfriend, so one day she arrived early to pick me up and went and to see a movie at the theater on the other side of the school while she waited for me. I had a normal shift and picked her up from one of the bars in the same compound she had been waiting at with her friend. She was tipsy for sure, but far from drunk. The next day when I come in for my shift my manager pulls me aside and tells me that my girlfriend had assaulted some other guests during the movie and that I had to sign a form acknowledging that this was my first verbal warning. I was…

I was working as a line cook at a regional chain that renovated old buildings into multi restaurant/bar/theater/hotels and the one I was at was a former elementary school. I shared a car with my girlfriend, so one day she arrived early to pick me up and went and to see a movie at the theater on the other side of the school while she waited for me. I had a normal shift and picked her up from one of the bars in the same compound she had been waiting at with her friend. She was tipsy for sure, but far from drunk.
The next day when I come in for my shift my manager pulls me aside and tells me that my girlfriend had assaulted some other guests during the movie and that I had to sign a form acknowledging that this was my first verbal warning. I was 21 and didn't really understand what was going on so I signed it not knowing what else I could have done. Later one of the waiters grabbed me and told me he had heard everything and showed me the email the other guests had written. The other guests wrote that they had claimed a couch (the theater was all old thrift store couches in a former gym), went back to the bar to get their drinks and pizza and when they returned my girlfriend and her friend had taken their couch. They had an argument and the complaining couple went and sat elsewhere. Then they claim that my girlfriend walked back over to the woman and POURED A BEER ON HER HEAD while the guy was in the bathroom. In the email he said he wasn't aware that they had poured a beer on his girlfriends head until they got home which is a crazy thing to claim. This was all in printed out emails in a binder and I could see my company apologized profusely and gave them a bunch of free shit.
I asked my girlfriend about it and she said “Oh yeah some people told us we were in their seats and we told them it wasn't assigned seating and that was the end of it”. This is an ex of mine that isn't the greatest person, but she sure as shit isn't the type of person to do something as aggressive as pour a beer on someones head. Even if she had done this it certainly isn't something I should be disciplined for.

I quit soon after because it was a miserable job. I didn't really have a back up job at the time, but it was so awful that I was willing to take that risk when I put in my two weeks notice. The lifers that were there made my last two weeks a living hell, and on my last day my boss tells me to go wipe down the Cleveland steamer (it was literally a Cleveland brand steamer) and I could leave. As I'm wiping it down my boss and two of his goons dump a 5 gallon bucket of water on my head. Laughing they tell me I can take a dry work shirt home. I did whip that old asshole in the face with the dirty rag I was using to clean the steamer then walked out. They seemed to have a lot of contempt for anyone that aspired to move on to other jobs outside of the kitchen.

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