
Got written up for sticking to the company rules.

Today I've been writen up and lost the next 6 months of my monthly bonus of 100$ for doing what I've been told countless time to do that is, sticking to the rules. I'm a CNC operator at a medium sized factory. One of our most important milling machines broke at the end of the previous shifts so I couldn't start working. I knew what've broke and I knew how to fix it easily in 10minutes tops but I've been scolded quite a few times by our safety inspector for fixing the machines without any official training since we have mechanics for that. I've reported it to our repair crew but the only dude that knew how this machines operates is in hospital and the new guy couldn't fix it quickly enough. An hour passes and while I was sweeping up the floor my manager comes to me angrily and…

Today I've been writen up and lost the next 6 months of my monthly bonus of 100$ for doing what I've been told countless time to do that is, sticking to the rules.

I'm a CNC operator at a medium sized factory. One of our most important milling machines broke at the end of the previous shifts so I couldn't start working. I knew what've broke and I knew how to fix it easily in 10minutes tops but I've been scolded quite a few times by our safety inspector for fixing the machines without any official training since we have mechanics for that. I've reported it to our repair crew but the only dude that knew how this machines operates is in hospital and the new guy couldn't fix it quickly enough.

An hour passes and while I was sweeping up the floor my manager comes to me angrily and shouts at me for cleaning instead of helping the new mechanic fix the fing machine. I've told him “The company rules forbid me from fixing and tinkering with machines so I'm doing what you always tell me: If you have time to lean you have the time to clean”

He went red in the face and told me that I either start fixing the machine or he'll write me up for saboutering the production. I've told him that this isn't a reasonable cause for being written up, and besides that I ain't paid to fix stuff around here and maybe if the company could focus on the maintenance in the downtime we wouldn't have so many breakages daily. So he stormed to his office and after 5 minutes he handed me a written warning and a “no monthly bonus for 6 months” slip (which he can do cause he's my supervisor.)

After he left I've opened up our HR complaints app and reported a mobbing and endangerment of health while explaining the entire situation.

Can't wait for the monday talk with HR. If needs be, I'll escalate it to the labour inspection and OSHA because I don't mind being yelled at and being written up (which means nothing round here) but no one fucks with my pay.

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