
Gotta love being referred to as “headcount” during a new team meeting

Can't remember the last time I felt so disappointed and gut-punched. I've been at the same job for five years now, and was recently part of a major reorganization, going from brand-level product support to a more centralized team supporting multiple brands. I've played my cards right through the entire process… Have been nothing but professional, enthusiastic, and presenting myself as enthusiastic regarding the new role. For the past couple of months, the higher-ups have been putting things in order, and I've had a few follow up meetings. Everything seemed so optimistic until today… Not only did the person who would be my direct colleague put in his two weeks notice, I was directly told that due to there only being one “headcount” in place (me) that we would need to get creative with our resources. Was also told in the same breath that I was actually more well-rounded than…

Can't remember the last time I felt so disappointed and gut-punched. I've been at the same job for five years now, and was recently part of a major reorganization, going from brand-level product support to a more centralized team supporting multiple brands. I've played my cards right through the entire process… Have been nothing but professional, enthusiastic, and presenting myself as enthusiastic regarding the new role. For the past couple of months, the higher-ups have been putting things in order, and I've had a few follow up meetings. Everything seemed so optimistic until today…

Not only did the person who would be my direct colleague put in his two weeks notice, I was directly told that due to there only being one “headcount” in place (me) that we would need to get creative with our resources. Was also told in the same breath that I was actually more well-rounded than the marketing manager who was leaving, but that there was no room in the budget to give me a title change to that of marketing manager, or provide an upward compensation adjustment.

I am literally the only person they have left in a company of 50,000+ people that is trained to do what I do, and they can't even throw me a few extra bucks here and there. Really does go to show they don't give a shit about you on any level, yet expect you to do MORE for LESS. My plan is to burn up my vacation time, and simultaneously roll back my productivity to the point where they let me go, or I find another job elsewhere.

On top of the World going mad, the condo we've been renting for the last three years is being sold by the owner. It just seems to get worse and worse out there, and I seriously feel like saying “fuck it” to everything, and just moving off the grid.

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