
Gotten a write up for being late

(I work in a banquet hall for wedding events) I started my shift at 8:30am I texted my boss at 8:17 saying I’m going to be a few minutes late as I’m stuck behind a train. It took quite a while for the train to roll by so I sped to work pretty quick and got there 10 minutes late at 8:40. My boss was waiting by the door and told me that this is irresponsible and unacceptable and that I should have the train schedules printed from the internet and kept on me… I’ve worked here for 6 months, never been late, never been sick and always got my job done. Boss brought me into his office and told me I’ll be getting written up for this and brought out the paper for me to sign. I didn’t sign the paper and was pretty upset about it it’s quite…

(I work in a banquet hall for wedding events)

I started my shift at 8:30am I texted my boss at 8:17 saying I’m going to be a few minutes late as I’m stuck behind a train.

It took quite a while for the train to roll by so I sped to work pretty quick and got there 10 minutes late at 8:40.

My boss was waiting by the door and told me that this is irresponsible and unacceptable and that I should have the train schedules printed from the internet and kept on me…

I’ve worked here for 6 months, never been late, never been sick and always got my job done. Boss brought me into his office and told me I’ll be getting written up for this and brought out the paper for me to sign.

I didn’t sign the paper and was pretty upset about it it’s quite unfair in my opinion. I don’t like being late and it’s not like i intentionally did it, I always leave at the same time and there’s never a train.

I’m quitting next month lol eff this place

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