
Government contractor

Long story short. I work for a company with close (probably ilegal) ties to the client (government/fed). I’ve been complaining about my bosses communication issues and after a year. I was given a performance review and they wrote me up for my failure to communicate. It’s almost funny how fucked up they turned it around. I also got dinged for wearing T-shirt’s that the company made us buy to wear at work. Apparently I was suppose to use them as undershirts for my polos. They why have logos and American flags on the sleeves?!! It’s total work retaliation and it’s toxic. I need to leave. But it’s been hard to find something else.

Long story short. I work for a company with close (probably ilegal) ties to the client (government/fed). I’ve been complaining about my bosses communication issues and after a year. I was given a performance review and they wrote me up for my failure to communicate. It’s almost funny how fucked up they turned it around. I also got dinged for wearing T-shirt’s that the company made us buy to wear at work. Apparently I was suppose to use them as undershirts for my polos. They why have logos and American flags on the sleeves?!!

It’s total work retaliation and it’s toxic. I need to leave. But it’s been hard to find something else.

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