Let me preface this by saying I am self employed and function basically as an independent contractor. I won’t specify my line of work but it involves lot of training as well as equipment/expenses.
My government (Canadian) has a program where if you are a certain status (low income, disability etc) they provide insurance. However, the payout is MUCH less, sometimes 70% less, and I am FORCED to take this insurance as it is illegal to not take it. For example, if a regular out of pocket fee is 400 dollars, government insurance only pays me 100 and I cannot request for additional pay/copay. I also cannot refuse these clients. After all the expenses paid, I make less than minimum wage, if any money at all!
I did 4 of these $400 job today and usually my overhead expense is 70% which means I should have been paid $480.. but government only pays me $400 so basically I am down $700. The more I work, the more money I lose.
I don’t understand how it is legal to force me to subsidize government programs on TOP of the taxes I pay. I got so angry today because I literally did free work for the government. I get that low income people and people with disabilities need support but literally wtf??? Pay accordingly or reasonably if you are going to use this as a PR stunt to gather voters. So sick of this shit.