
Guidance on reporting my employer for exploiting a mentally disabled kid

I work for a nonprofit that is supposed to train elite athletes in a certain sport. Im not even gonna go into into the daily disregard of the law and her workers rights and safety but there is something that really crosses a line. There is a kid with autism who is part of the staff (even shown in the website) yet he is not paid nor does he even have a contract. I’ve done some research and I know that the law does not favor people with disabilities when it comes to wages. They do give him room and board which is given to all the employees since the salary is so low but there is zero pay. Somebody once asked whether he is a trainee or a staff member, and the boss goes between both as they see fit yet there is no paperwork showing he is part…

I work for a nonprofit that is supposed to train elite athletes in a certain sport.

Im not even gonna go into into the daily disregard of the law and her workers rights and safety but there is something that really crosses a line. There is a kid with autism who is part of the staff (even shown in the website) yet he is not paid nor does he even have a contract.

I’ve done some research and I know that the law does not favor people with disabilities when it comes to wages. They do give him room and board which is given to all the employees since the salary is so low but there is zero pay.

Somebody once asked whether he is a trainee or a staff member, and the boss goes between both as they see fit yet there is no paperwork showing he is part of any training program.

The programs (which dont even have a syllabus) are supposed to build skills in an apprentice style environment. while I do agree on the philosophy and the apprach, it ends up being an excuse to get free labor from aspiring athletes with no actual learning about competition. Also, a person with special needs does not necessarily fit into the profile of a top elite sportsman. They also have a 16 year old “intern” doing all the marketing because they can’t find anyone willing to work for her.

I want to report my boss but:

The kid has had a very sad past neglected by his parents and, while he is in the wrong environment for him, he has done some improvements in social interaction and become more functional. I fear that having this case reported would end up in him losing his place and sent back home where he might get kicked out in the street. I can’t see an autistic person lasting long in Detroit if thrown out.

I don’t want my supervisor to end up in trouble for this. He is a genuinely good man, always with the best intentions in every situation and has done a lot to find him opportunities and get him trained and qualified and has even researched and talked to specialists to see how he can help him and is also trying to get him paid.

I want to be able to make it an anonymous report. My boss, as washed up as their career may be, still has some pull in a small industry, and I do not want my career ruined.

Tips and thoughts welcome

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