
Had a job offer cancelled after I questioned the contract. Dodged a bullet!

This happened a little while ago, just as businesses were starting to phase out home office. Thought it might belong here… I applied for a part-time writing job (1-2 days/ week) for some extra cash as I set up my own business and look after my little boy. Had an interview where by I’m told I’m way over qualified for the writing position and I should talk with the CEO about a vacant manager/assistant to the CEO role as they are looking for someone with my ‘entrepreneurial’ spirit. They sent over the job description and It would be part-time, 3 days a week hybrid (max I day a week on-site), come with a shares option and guaranteed pay rise once the business was established (it was a start-up). This all suited me fine, so I had the interview with the CEO, we chatted about my situation – they were happy…

This happened a little while ago, just as businesses were starting to phase out home office. Thought it might belong here…

I applied for a part-time writing job (1-2 days/ week) for some extra cash as I set up my own business and look after my little boy. Had an interview where by I’m told I’m way over qualified for the writing position and I should talk with the CEO about a vacant manager/assistant to the CEO role as they are looking for someone with my ‘entrepreneurial’ spirit. They sent over the job description and It would be part-time, 3 days a week hybrid (max I day a week on-site), come with a shares option and guaranteed pay rise once the business was established (it was a start-up). This all suited me fine, so I had the interview with the CEO, we chatted about my situation – they were happy for me to continue my business as it’s part time, they asked what my definition of an entrepreneur is (I’m a service Entrepreneur – important for later) how much and what days I could work, upcoming holidays and pay etc. They offered me the position and sent over the contract.

This is where it starts going pear-shaped. The contract had no mention of shares or stock options as we had talked about and was listed on the job advert, listed a wage almost 50% less than discussed with no mention of a pay increase and it didnt reference the part-time aspect of the work. In short, the contract could have been for an entirely different full time job.

I email them back saying I think there is some mistake, point out the wage, hours and stock options and request the correct contract. I also think it’s best to confirm my hours, days and also my holiday dates (Also agreed in the interview) so ask for confirmation here as well.

The CEO responds saying the wage was always variable (not as agreed), denied he ever promised stocks and shares (it was even in their job advert). The hours are by spoken agreement (!!) and we can discuss the holiday after I sign the contract(!!!)

At this point I was truly thinking WTF I’m being screwed over and emailed back saying thanks but don’t think I’d be a good fit for the position. I don’t hear back and start to move on to the next thing…

Role on 2 weeks later and the CEO emails back to say thank you for your honest response however you would not be a good fit for the company culture and therefore won’t be considered further. That’s fine, a little weird as I rejected them but hey.

He’s then continued… if I may be honest, I find your questions regarding the contract very short-sighted and your approach to business very naive and not in line with being an Entrepreneur as you promised you were in the interview. I should know that holidays are not guaranteed when I start at a company, even though they were agreed at interview (dick move trying to get me to sign the contract before discussing it further) and that asking about home office time and hours is not acceptable for a management position. I should also know that he has no power over shares or stocks or that pay increases are never mentioned in contracts (that last one is funny, my wife is in the same industry and has all of that stipulated in her contract).

After that he wished me luck finding a job with such a work ethic. Nice guy!

I really dodged a bullet with that one. Fast forward a few months to now and I have my own business doing fairly well, loving the time with my kid. Life is good and I think considerably better than if i’d signed that contract. I also heard on the grape vine that they still (like 7 months later) haven't filled that position.

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