
Had an employer LEAVE A NOTE that they were docking our pay 1 hour for lunch, but didn’t expect us to take the full hour.

They left a note by the time clock saying that they were taking an hour for our lunch breaks. In the note it said that they were extending our lunch breaks to one hour, and would adjust our time card to one hour, but we were expected to take only 30 minutes. I took a picture of the note, and took my full hour. The owner called me into his office and said “I’d never admit this in court, but I need you to only take 30 minutes on your lunch or there will be consequences.” I saw the writing on the wall and found a new job quickly. A lot of other employees did as well. How stupid can you be to put a federal crime in writing though?

They left a note by the time clock saying that they were taking an hour for our lunch breaks. In the note it said that they were extending our lunch breaks to one hour, and would adjust our time card to one hour, but we were expected to take only 30 minutes.

I took a picture of the note, and took my full hour. The owner called me into his office and said “I’d never admit this in court, but I need you to only take 30 minutes on your lunch or there will be consequences.”

I saw the writing on the wall and found a new job quickly. A lot of other employees did as well.

How stupid can you be to put a federal crime in writing though?

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