
Had throat surgery and Aflac denied the claim extension from my doctor

I'm 32M and have been working for a Defense Contractor the last 8 years. Being that this is a huge enterprise, they outsource all medical leaves to Aflac. On June 28th, I had a tumor removed from my throat along with my tonsils and adenoids. I was pre-authorized for STD for 2 weeks (until July 12th) and on the 12th, my doctor extended my medical leave for another 2 weeks – until the 25th. Aflac relayed this message to my boss stating my return to work date as the 26th of July. On Friday the 22nd, I received a call from Aflac stating that they denied my claim because they needed to know what the doctor said as to why I needed a 2 week extension. I informed them I still couldn't eat solid food and reminded them I don't sit at a desk for work. Im constantly lifting and…

I'm 32M and have been working for a Defense Contractor the last 8 years. Being that this is a huge enterprise, they outsource all medical leaves to Aflac. On June 28th, I had a tumor removed from my throat along with my tonsils and adenoids. I was pre-authorized for STD for 2 weeks (until July 12th) and on the 12th, my doctor extended my medical leave for another 2 weeks – until the 25th. Aflac relayed this message to my boss stating my return to work date as the 26th of July.

On Friday the 22nd, I received a call from Aflac stating that they denied my claim because they needed to know what the doctor said as to why I needed a 2 week extension. I informed them I still couldn't eat solid food and reminded them I don't sit at a desk for work. Im constantly lifting and moving. I was royally pissed off that this needed an explanation let alone the denied claim. I proceded to have my doctors office send it again. They told me the paperwork already stated this but they would reiterate the description plus when I spoke to my doctor. 10 days later I finally get a response stating the claim was denied again and that they closed the case. So they refused to pay me but also wouldnt give me the chance for my doctor to release me to go back to work earlier than the 26th.

I was paid for 1 week on the 12th but absolutely nothing since then. All phone calls were recorded, I have the medical paperwork, the emails to my boss plus tons of texts from multiple case managers. I should note – throughout some of the calls, not only did they ask me the purpose of the extension but they persisted on needing to know my medications. Like wtf. I told her dumbass to kick rocks.

I've reached out to several attorney's but haven't heard anything back yet. How is any of this legal? How can they override what the doctor states? I have fines to deal with now and have no idea how I'm going to put gas in my car to get to work let alone restocking my kitchen for my kids. Sorry for rambling but this is bullshit.

What should I do?

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