
Happy ending from a past toxic job

Just a fun story I’d share. A couple years ago I worked at a very toxic white collar job. Working til midnight frequently, casually insulted by my manager on a daily basis, several panic attacks. You name it I endured it. I left after about a year for a new gig, gave them the double bird on my way out and never thought about them again. Fast forward to the present, a coworker with whom I’m still friends from a different company I worked for texted me asking if I worked with someone who just applied for a job there. IT WAS THE SAME MANAGER FROM THE FIRST JOB. So I told the truth about my experiences, and the coworker pretty much disqualified ex-manager on the spot, as he valued my opinion over theirs. The most satisfying part was that I didn’t even need to share my opinion on the…

Just a fun story I’d share.

A couple years ago I worked at a very toxic white collar job. Working til midnight frequently, casually insulted by my manager on a daily basis, several panic attacks. You name it I endured it. I left after about a year for a new gig, gave them the double bird on my way out and never thought about them again.

Fast forward to the present, a coworker with whom I’m still friends from a different company I worked for texted me asking if I worked with someone who just applied for a job there. IT WAS THE SAME MANAGER FROM THE FIRST JOB.

So I told the truth about my experiences, and the coworker pretty much disqualified ex-manager on the spot, as he valued my opinion over theirs. The most satisfying part was that I didn’t even need to share my opinion on the ex-manager. I just told the honest truth about what happened to me.

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