
Harassment from foreman

I work in a construction type job and I have been with said company for about 9 years. IAlmost a year ago I worked at a job where my foreman–since day one–decided to exclusively treat me like garbage. I talked to my lead hand, who witnessed the abuse about it. He had enough and went to the office and explained that everyone's being treated terribly on this job by this foreman, but more so myself specifically. For the record, I am a hard worker and do my best to make everyone happy. He got in trouble for the way he was treating me and that was the end of the tale…. or so I thought. Today, at roughly 4:40pm, said punished foreman calls me about all the complaints he received and how people are lying and stabbing him in the back. He circles around and says that I'm the worst…

I work in a construction type job and I have been with said company for about 9 years. IAlmost a year ago I worked at a job where my foreman–since day one–decided to exclusively treat me like garbage. I talked to my lead hand, who witnessed the abuse about it. He had enough and went to the office and explained that everyone's being treated terribly on this job by this foreman, but more so myself specifically. For the record, I am a hard worker and do my best to make everyone happy.

He got in trouble for the way he was treating me and that was the end of the tale…. or so I thought. Today, at roughly 4:40pm, said punished foreman calls me about all the complaints he received and how people are lying and stabbing him in the back. He circles around and says that I'm the worst of it all because the report more specifically had to do with how he treated me. He called me a liar, dishonest, and said I was untrustworthy. Which, I am neither of those things. After his deflecting, gaslighting rant, he hung up on me.

I was in shock from the phone call, and my spouse got the end of it recorded on her phone. Anyway, I called another company and start there on Monday. But, I'm a human being and non one ever deserves to be treated like this. For those asking why I didn't leave earlier, I took him getting punished as it's done and moved on and I was a loyalist to my company.

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