
Has anyone else helped a terrible boss find a new position?

About two years into employment with my current company (I’ve been there 3 years now) my boss started making comments about how he wasn’t getting promoted. He had zero technical or people skills but was an IT Director. He was there 30 years and felt entitled. I told him about LinkedIn and how it could help him find a new job quickly. I helped him brush up on his résumé and create a LinkedIn profile. My coworkers were wondering why I was having so many meetings with him (we hated each other) and I blew it off as me having a one on ones with him but I was really helping him find a new job. Fast forward about six or nine months, he turned in his two week notice, and was walked out the same day. My team and I received a new Director and we’ve never been happier…

About two years into employment with my current company (I’ve been there 3 years now) my boss started making comments about how he wasn’t getting promoted. He had zero technical or people skills but was an IT Director. He was there 30 years and felt entitled. I told him about LinkedIn and how it could help him find a new job quickly. I helped him brush up on his résumé and create a LinkedIn profile. My coworkers were wondering why I was having so many meetings with him (we hated each other) and I blew it off as me having a one on ones with him but I was really helping him find a new job. Fast forward about six or nine months, he turned in his two week notice, and was walked out the same day. My team and I received a new Director and we’ve never been happier or more productive. I am proud to work for the company I work for and I wasn’t a let a jerk boss take that away from me.

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