
Has anyone ever gotten higher than “Basic” or “Need improvement” on an evaluation?

I've worked for your typical non-union big box stores and a few casinos and they all did these 90 Day/Yearly evaluations where they give you a grade of Proficient, Exceeds Expectation, Basic, Needs Improvement, and I forget what term they used for failing. I've never gotten above basic on anything in any evaluation in the last decade+. Even stuff like “attendance and timeliness” I get a basic when I have 0 call ins and 1 tardy. A coworker in my department said he got basic for his score and he'd call in like every other weekend. I've heard almost no one ever gets above basic on anything. One manager explained it's because “Well if you tell someone they're perfect at something, they won't push themselves to improve any further”. I believe that less than I believe the rumor I heard that if they give you too good of an evaluation…

I've worked for your typical non-union big box stores and a few casinos and they all did these 90 Day/Yearly evaluations where they give you a grade of Proficient, Exceeds Expectation, Basic, Needs Improvement, and I forget what term they used for failing. I've never gotten above basic on anything in any evaluation in the last decade+. Even stuff like “attendance and timeliness” I get a basic when I have 0 call ins and 1 tardy. A coworker in my department said he got basic for his score and he'd call in like every other weekend.

I've heard almost no one ever gets above basic on anything. One manager explained it's because “Well if you tell someone they're perfect at something, they won't push themselves to improve any further”. I believe that less than I believe the rumor I heard that if they give you too good of an evaluation they have to give you a bigger raise (these places usually give raises of about 15-40 cents/hr a year) so they cheat to give you the equivalent of a report card with all Cs no matter how much better or worse you are than your coworkers.

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