
Have a Few Interviews Soon But I Don’t Know if I’ll Handle 8 Hours With My Mental Health..

On Monday I have one interview for a job that I think is likely going to hire me. The pay is entry level, the hours are ok and it seems like the position was open for a while, so it makes sense why they'd call me in the first place. Tuesday and Wednesday – both weird interviews, one didn't like that I have no references and the other seems something sketchy. Might cancel these, might not.. ​ Anyway, the biggest issue for me right now is that I don't think I can handle 8 hour work day. I'm working 4 hours and usually not every day, like 3-5 days per week and I leave after 3 hours. The management doesn't like me and I'm guessing they will fire me in a few months but that's alright, I don't really want to work there anymore. ​ I used to get 5-7…

On Monday I have one interview for a job that I think is likely going to hire me. The pay is entry level, the hours are ok and it seems like the position was open for a while, so it makes sense why they'd call me in the first place.

Tuesday and Wednesday – both weird interviews, one didn't like that I have no references and the other seems something sketchy. Might cancel these, might not..

Anyway, the biggest issue for me right now is that I don't think I can handle 8 hour work day. I'm working 4 hours and usually not every day, like 3-5 days per week and I leave after 3 hours. The management doesn't like me and I'm guessing they will fire me in a few months but that's alright, I don't really want to work there anymore.

I used to get 5-7 hours on some days and I absolutely hated that. This week I got 6 days again, all 4 hours and after Sunday I'm getting 2 days break, then it's another 5 days, 2 days break, another 5 days work. Pretty sure the management knows I hate working so much but they still gave me this schedule.

My current job isn't very comfortable and there is some customer service, so that always stresses me out.

I guess the biggest fear I have about working 8 hours is that I'll have to move to a different city. My relatives are mentally abusive and living here isn't a great experience but on a good side, I don't need to worry about rent, dishes (there's a dishwashing machine), laundry, landlord or other roommates (since I'd have to rent a room).

I keep applying for these jobs but I don't even have any “real” motivation to live. I need money because my relatives will exploit me again the moment I stop working. I need to earn more to eventually get my own place. I still want to find a partner, though I know very well that nobody would like me.

I hardly enjoy my hobbies anymore and the most relaxation I get is from dumb browsing the Internet or just sleeping.

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