
Have to confront my boss tomorrow, wish me luck.

Been with a company about 4 years. In sales. After a change in leadership 2 years ago it became apparent that I am not getting the same opportunities under my new boss as the old one, and watching new employees breeze past me in the pecking order has been really demoralizing. Got an incredible job offer from a company I used to work for. I will make at least 40% more than I do now and told its my job of I want it… but both businesses work closely together so I have to get my current employers blessing to officially apply to not create any bad blood. Nervous AF, because I am required to have this awkward conversation before I am assured I will get the job. Please send me good vibes.

Been with a company about 4 years. In sales. After a change in leadership 2 years ago it became apparent that I am not getting the same opportunities under my new boss as the old one, and watching new employees breeze past me in the pecking order has been really demoralizing.

Got an incredible job offer from a company I used to work for. I will make at least 40% more than I do now and told its my job of I want it… but both businesses work closely together so I have to get my current employers blessing to officially apply to not create any bad blood.

Nervous AF, because I am required to have this awkward conversation before I am assured I will get the job.

Please send me good vibes.

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