
Have you ever nearly laughed at the person interviewing you?

I have. My mother's friend owned a well-known restaurant. Her daughter interviewed me for my first job and politely offered me a position as a host and cashier. I was 17 at the time. I was just looking for some spending money and prom funds. When offering me the job, she said, “Pay is minimum wage”. And she then said, “Can you believe it's already $5.75?” Almost as if they were doing me a massive favor by paying me the absolute bare minimum to deal with the snobs of Studio City. I caught myself almost laughing at the complete lack of her tact.

I have.

My mother's friend owned a well-known restaurant. Her daughter interviewed me for my first job and politely offered me a position as a host and cashier. I was 17 at the time. I was just looking for some spending money and prom funds. When offering me the job, she said, “Pay is minimum wage”. And she then said, “Can you believe it's already $5.75?” Almost as if they were doing me a massive favor by paying me the absolute bare minimum to deal with the snobs of Studio City. I caught myself almost laughing at the complete lack of her tact.

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