
Have you ever wondered?

Guy I used to work with came up in my LinkedIn feed. Completely disorganised and incompetent. His engineering work was an absolute mess. Seriously, everything he did was wrong. He resigned and I got dumped with his crap to essentially fix it up. So, I quit because I was sick and tired of my reputation as a “fixer.” At my present job (Engineering Design) my referees said that I'm a “doer and finisher”, “whatever the job, he'll get it done.”… Anyways. This dude is now an Engineering Manager. So guys get promoted for not doing their jobs and being shit, I get stuck for fixing stuff because of my reputation. So here's the question. What do people prefer, the Title and Prestige (Engineering Manager) or contract rates (professional whore) . Presently Engineering Contract rates are good.. @$900-1000 per day.

Guy I used to work with came up in my LinkedIn feed. Completely disorganised and incompetent. His engineering work was an absolute mess. Seriously, everything he did was wrong. He resigned and I got dumped with his crap to essentially fix it up. So, I quit because I was sick and tired of my reputation as a “fixer.” At my present job (Engineering Design) my referees said that I'm a “doer and finisher”, “whatever the job, he'll get it done.”… Anyways. This dude is now an Engineering Manager. So guys get promoted for not doing their jobs and being shit, I get stuck for fixing stuff because of my reputation. So here's the question. What do people prefer, the Title and Prestige (Engineering Manager) or contract rates (professional whore) . Presently Engineering Contract rates are good.. @$900-1000 per day.

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