
Having a 9-5 job makes me suicidal

I literally hate my working class life its boring, monotonous, exhausting, the list goes on and on after all my chores are done and I feed myself I get maybe 2-3 hours a day to myself. I have to do all my life shit, grocery store etc, on Sunday so basically im Happy one day a week which is saturday ​ 6 days a week im miserably working or doing chores to survive and not live in pig sty ​ everyone says I need pills to be happy but I honestly don’t think pills would make me like slavery. Being depressed your life sucks is totally normal not a chemical imbalance ​ is this all there is to life?? Work 5 days a week and get wasted with your other miserable friends on the weekend? ​ truly shocking that people are ok with this life of servitude ​ im probs…

I literally hate my working class life

its boring, monotonous, exhausting, the list goes on and on

after all my chores are done and I feed myself I get maybe 2-3 hours a day to myself. I have to do all my life shit, grocery store etc, on Sunday so basically im Happy one day a week which is saturday

6 days a week im miserably working or doing chores to survive and not live in pig sty

everyone says I need pills to be happy but I honestly don’t think pills would make me like slavery. Being depressed your life sucks is totally normal not a chemical imbalance

is this all there is to life?? Work 5 days a week and get wasted with your other miserable friends on the weekend?

truly shocking that people are ok with this life of servitude

im probs going to take the cowards way out soon. I will not let my body be used by the slave masters

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