
Having a job isn’t entirely up to us, but without it we die. How is this a moral system?

So let me get this straight: in order to live one needs to have a job, only getting a job isn't entirely up to the individual, as a small group of people, called employers, are ultimately the deciders in whether one is hired or not. So, the modern equivalent of feudal lords have the last say in who gets to live and who doesn't. Isn't that messed up? Totally barbaric, morally reprehensible system, that should be boycotted at any cost.

So let me get this straight: in order to live one needs to have a job, only getting a job isn't entirely up to the individual, as a small group of people, called employers, are ultimately the deciders in whether one is hired or not. So, the modern equivalent of feudal lords have the last say in who gets to live and who doesn't. Isn't that messed up? Totally barbaric, morally reprehensible system, that should be boycotted at any cost.

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