
Having mental and physical issues, not sure how to handle this with the new job, but I need to get help.

I started a new job 2 months ago. It pays very, very well. It's not a special job, but I don't actively like or hate it yet – though most of the people I work with are irritating kiss-asses. ​ Whatever. The problem is that my anxiety has been pretty high this past month or so, which makes my depression creep into the red zone. I've also had some physical stuff pop up, but the mental stuff is probably more pressing. ​ The problem is, I don't know how to approach this with my job. I have a lot of appointments and stuff that I need to get to, which hasn't been hard so far, but they're about to cut off the work from home option, so I'm going to have to go to a busy, loud office while trying to deal with anxiety issues. Especially having to listen to…

I started a new job 2 months ago. It pays very, very well. It's not a special job, but I don't actively like or hate it yet – though most of the people I work with are irritating kiss-asses.

Whatever. The problem is that my anxiety has been pretty high this past month or so, which makes my depression creep into the red zone. I've also had some physical stuff pop up, but the mental stuff is probably more pressing.

The problem is, I don't know how to approach this with my job. I have a lot of appointments and stuff that I need to get to, which hasn't been hard so far, but they're about to cut off the work from home option, so I'm going to have to go to a busy, loud office while trying to deal with anxiety issues. Especially having to listen to my co-workers go on and on about the stupidest, most unimportant shit in the world while putting the actual, important work on the back burner. When I do have to work from the office, it's sometimes hard to just not walk out.

One of the main concerns is that if I mention that I'm having some issues (especially if I get specific), they'll just get rid of me rather than have to deal with that. I'm in a state where you can fire someone for no reason, which is likely what they would claim. But the salary is great, so I'm also inclined to just ride it out as long as possible and to save as much as I can. The benefits are also pretty great. The health insurance is awesome, and they do offer short and long-term disability. I imagine I could probably even get on the short-term disability while we do a couple of therapy sessions each week and play around with medications until we find some combo that might actually help me. But there's still nothing stopping them from firing me if they wanted to claim that they need to replace me with someone that can be there for time-sensitive, in-progress projects.

It would take a long time – at least a year or two – to find another job that pays this much, which is most of my hesitation. So do I go to work and remain miserable but at least have a chance at saving up enough for a big down payment on a house? Or roll the dice and hope they treat me right so I can get healthy (which seems naive to me)?

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